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"Five years, two children later and a lot of life in between, I am putting my heart to paper and letting it peek into the open air once again. These years have been good and sweet and tragic and broken all at the same time. I lost one of my dearest friends and one of my greatest champions very suddenly and far too soon, my momma. The painful end to my label career gave my spirit much needed space to breathe and time to re-collect my heart and passions. The hiatus of one career marked the beginning of a new one in motherhood. It is special and dear and my heart will never be the the most wonderful way. 
Death and life....
Loss and gain...
Still hope and dreams begin to rise from tears to dance unashamed and fearless....embracing the mess until it breaks into beauty...
So here it is, a reluctant attempt to find my voice in the calm rolling wake of life's hurricane...." - Lanaé

Lanaé's haunting, ethereal voice has been heard in multiple mediums: TV shows, film, and at Christmas time, her evergreen arrangement of "Carol of the Bells" is played on radio stations all over the country. Her moving, translucent lyrics layered over sounds that are interesting, yet accessible have landed her on stages all over the world from Denmark to the United States and many cities in between, playing festival stages in front of thousands all the way down to intimate songwriter nights. 




  • Lanaé - Vocals

  • David Gross - Producer, Mix Engineer, Bass, Keys, Piano. Also Percussion on "Different Pages", "Paper Lanterns", "I Still Do"

  • Graham Bechler - Drums

  • Josh Pantana - Guitar

  • Becca Bradley - Cello on "Is It Worth It", "Different Pages", "Paper Lanterns", "I Still Do"

  • David Curtis - Guitar & BGVs on "Paper Lanterns"

  • Jennifer Akers - BGVs on "Paper Lanterns"

  • Danielle Berg - BGVs on "Paper Lanterns"

  • Andrew Piland - Mix Assistant

  • Joe Causey - Mastering

  • "Aeroplane", "Is It Worth It", "Different Pages", "Paper Lanterns" written by Lanaé Schlessman & David Gross

  • "I Still Do" written by Lanaé Schlessman




Gravelpit Music

Stacee Coleman


Raydiant Management

Josh Schlessman


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